How can we use our undivided self to reform education so that all are honored?
Teaching is can be challenging and sometimes draining for teachers. This is not necessarily because the teachers lack passion for teaching or for their students, but it could also be because teachers put all their effort and so much of their time into helping each student. Good teachers come to truly care about each student and desire each one to succeed. Sometimes that desire can become consuming and it can be devastating to see a student fail or failing (or going through difficult times). First, it is always important that teachers remember to balance out their teaching and their lives so that they do not get "drained" out. Yet, at the same time, teachers who do have this passion, who are connected with their students, and are devoted to helping each student are the people who are meant to be in the educational field. For me, teaching has been such a great experience and I am excited to keep teaching. It has been in those little moments when students have said something positive about learning, or given a warm smile, or even asking a probing question on the topic that I have come to realize that this occupation is what I am meant to be in. I really care for every one of my students and I wish that they could understand how much I want each one to do well and succeed. I think that is what gives me motivation to continue teaching, to continue working and trying hard so that I will not stop working to develop ways to help my students learn. I think it is this motivation and this passion that come from deep inside me (maybe like a gift) that will contribute to educational reform so that all are honored. I think that true teachers have this same belief and are the ones that can really bring about a change.
Katie, you do have the gift for teaching and thinking! I am having trouble reading this because of the background. Debbie